Reducing the risk of exposure to COVID-19 by cleaning and disinfection is an important part of opening public spaces that will require careful planning. Every American has been called upon to slow the spread of the virus through social distancing and prevention hygiene, such as frequently washing your hands and wearing masks. Everyone also has a role in making sure our communities are as safe as possible to open and remain open.
The virus that causes COVID-19 can be killed if you use the right products. EPA has compiled a list of disinfectant products that can be used against COVID-19, including ready-to-use sprays, concentrates, and wipes. Each product has been shown to be effective against viruses that are harder to kill than viruses like the one that causes COVID-19.
Although microbiologically contaminated surfaces can serve as reservoirs of potential pathogens, these surfaces generally are not directly associated with transmission of infections to either staff or patients. The transferral of microorganisms from environmental surfaces to patients is largely via hand contact with the surface. Although hand hygiene is important to minimize the impact of this transfer, cleaning and disinfecting environmental surfaces as appropriate is fundamental in reducing their potential contribution to the incidence of healthcare-associated infections.
Our train technicians can assure you the proper cleaning for:
We can provide a very deep and strong cleaning for all your needs to assure you are having the proper chemicals and solutions in your company. Never will we use any thing thats harmful or not recommended.