Understanding what mold is can be the most difficult thing to figure out if you dont know what you are looking for and how to locate it if you suspect it. So the big question is, “WHAT IS MOLD”?
Nature recycles organic materials through the functions of microorganisms that digest organic materials into compounds that can be regenerated into living organisms once again. Mold (or mould) is a term used to refer to fungi that grow in the form of multicellular thread-like structures called hyphae. Molds release small “spores” into the air. So, when mold grows indoors, the number of mold spores and fragments is usually higher indoors than it is outdoors. These spores are small enough that people can actually inhale them deep into the lungs. Inhalation of spores poses risk of developing respiratory problems. With the exception of winter months mold spores are always present outdoors. Molds are fungi that grow in the form of multicellular filaments called hyphae that spread to form a network or colony called mycelium